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Autism Autist Why Fit In When You Were Born to Stand Out T Shirt




Autism Autist Why Fit In When You Were Born to Stand Out T Shirt School is designed for children of Autism Autist Why Fit In When You Were Born to Stand Out T Shirt intelligence. Literally. If one’s IQ is too low, public schools mostly won’t admit the child. If the child is substantially above average, most schools won’t consider acceleration or special classes, other than maybe a pull-out to do puzzles for an hour a week. Imagine that you’re you at 12 years old and don’t have an substantial intellectual disability. Now imagine that you’re that age and placed into 1st grade. Would you understand why you’re being required to complete 30 problems that are basically 1+1? Would you comply with those orders? Would you try to escape the boredom by creating 8-level maze puzzles? Or writing baseball novels? Would you choose to focus your efforts on classes you can take at your ability level in the evening rather than expend energy on the ennui of your hours in 1st grade? ()


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