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Casino Of Envy Persona 5 shirt

So, I’ve been working at this company for nearly a Casino Of Envy Persona 5 shirt from January. I needed a job as was being made redundant and this popped up so I took it, it’s a night shift but work is work. Now, after about three months, I was asked by my colleague if I could cover his shift as he had an evening event to go to which I said that’s fine I came to find out it was a company event where everyone is invited to it but me. I shrugged it off as I thought I’m new so I guess they had it booked for a while. Kinda still sucked having to cover someone’s shift though as they were having fun and I’m stuck in the office. Anyways, fast forward to about a month ago I was doing paperwork and I came across an email stating Christmas party, I brought it up with my colleague he said is there? To which I said yeah at this place he said oh yeah I know I’m going to that. I was struck as I had not been approached or invited to it, what makes it worse is as there has been a boom in work lately they have took on about 6 new people about 3 months ago and they have all been added to the guess list and they class each other now as “family” while I’m stuck covering the guys shift and I was told I need to have the on call phone over Christmas because he has a family?! Well so do I!!!


When Christmas decorations are taken down varies from person to person in my experience in the United States. It seems to have a Dallas Cowboys Pride Month shirt tradition component, I do believe. It least that is what I’m postulating. Many take everything down the day after Christmas. One who I lived with for 34 years wanted everything left up until into January. Some people literally have decorations up all year outside. So at least here (USA), where I have lived it varies. There is the church calendar with some people, like the person I once lived with, and they use that as a guide. Again, it’s a personal choice I do believe in a free country, so make up your own mind. You can vary it as well, depending upon if you’re enjoying the decorations still and the people you share your life with agree, more or less. If things are too structured they can lose significance to a person. Decorations are an art form, somewhat. In all art there are usually general guidelines, but to put your individual stamp on it tends to make it more valuable to yourself. It will also most likely prove more meaningful to others as well. That is my general thoughts on any kind of creative endeavor. Think of your decorations as such a thing and let your heart make some of the decisions. Happy Holidays.

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