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Flamingo Hawaiian Shirt transformed

Christmases. My little brother and I did not, we’d never been Catholic yet. We used to get very sad that all of our friends had lovely Christmas or Hanukkah, and we did not. We’d pout. My big brothers tried their best to console us. Our best friends lived across the Flamingo Hawaiian Shirt transformed . Their dad was not home much, but he was a very stern man. He had quite the temper (when we grew up, we realized that he was always drunk, but when we were small he was just scary). He had a Doberman called Rex who we were all also terrified of. One year, I’m probably four or five, we’re sitting in my brothers’ room wistfully staring out the window at our friends playing with their new toys, wearing their Christmas sweaters, all that. The oldest two brothers, maybe trying to console us, convince us that we do not want Christmas at all. They tell us that Scary Dad is Santa Claus. They tell us that Rex the Doberman is actually Rudolph. Would we really want Rex landing on our roof? Would we really want Scary Dad judging whether we were naughty or nice, and sneaking into our house while we slept?


The best Christmas memories are from church. There was a Official captain America Shirtcandlelight service at our church. When I got older, I was allowed to walk down the aisle and stop at every pew, and the first person seated would light their candle from the big one I carried. When all the candles were lit, the lights would go off, and a hush would always fall over the congregation as we all sat in the dark with our lit candles glowing brightly. We sang all the old Christmas hymns, such as Silent Night, O Little Town Of Bethlehem, We Three Kings, and more. I was always mesmerized as the Pastor told the story of Christ’s birth, and usually there was a live nativity made up of real farm animals and little kids playing the parts. There was always a children’s time, when the Pastor called the little children to come and sit up front, near the alter, while he told them a story having to do with the birth of Jesus, and gave each kid a candy cane. Christmas Eve services were so great back then. Now there are no candles, just little battery operated lights, and the service is held at either 3 pm or 6 pm, because families are too busy to stay up so late on Christmas Eve.

Hompage Teeclover

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