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Gandalf I’m too old for this shit shirt

Off we drove, with the Christmas tree comfortably between the two of us! I drove Robin back home and we maneuvered the Gandalf I’m too old for this shit shirt out of the car as pine needles dropped profusely all over the VW bug. I setup the tree in her home after moving a few pieces of furniture and she went off to get a box of decorations. At that point in time, I could sense she wanted me to stay to decorate the tree, but I knew I could not because my girl-friend was waiting. I gave her a big hearty hug, and told her Merry Christmas as I left. In my life time and with all due sincerity…that was my best ever holiday… “So this is Christmas.” moment!


Christianity has the Hayley Williams Head In The Cloud Shirt that the Nativity story is fictitious rubbish and it does not take a modern child long to discard it in the same way as they pretty soon tumble to the fact Santa doesn’t exist. The Nativity story really is a myth tacked on to Jesus and it is a very destructive, landing us with obsessive superstitious semi-pagan bosh like the Maria Cult. Virgin indeed! Where a religion cannot come to terms with mythology, especially its own, then in the modern age it is in its death throes – Intelligent people leave and only the mentally disturbed remain. This is not the church of sixty five years ago where some belief in myth remained. A child perceives that he or she really does not want to be around these silly people – So what is left of Christmas? Sing silly songs and you get a present. Our children have been taught hypocrisy and that the church is really only a base for authoritarian parental control both emotional and physical and for destruction of freedoms in the adult world Who inspired the attack on Democracy if not Trump AND the Christian Right? Fascism has become so embedded in Christianty that there is nothing left for a person of reason including a growing child but to leave it. Morality in Christianity has morphed into Fascism. Thomas Jefferson has again been proved right the threat to democracy is the priests A child is also an emerging adult – Quo Vadis Christians? – you have two choices – a genuine progressiveness and democratisation or Fascism.. Which are you intending to leave your children? – so far you are choosing Fascism!

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