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I had a run-in with a GRRASSIC WORLD T SHIRT at school just like Ralphie with Scut Farkus. My mom would pick us up at school. Mom was young and attractive like a movie star. This guy kept teasing me saying, “Hey RJ, how’s your sexy mom, woo hoo, so sexy.” I ignored him as long as I could. One day I snapped and ran toward him and knocked him down. I stood over him, grabbed the front of his jacket and kept lifting then batting his head against t

Kublai Khan was a bit different from most of the Mongol leadership in that he was far less interested in mass murder and destruction. still despite all the trimmings and pomp his Yuan dynasty was simply a front for Horse Grandpa I Just Hold The Horse Father’s Day Horse Classic T Shirt the Mongol occupation and control of China. he set up a caste system which placed the native Chinese population on the bottom in their own country. even with China occupied he was not content and engaged in military adventures which were total fails. he nor any of the Mongol occupation force would want to be mistaken for Chinese. the Mongols were among the worst imperialist/colonial powers in history but Kublai was the best of a bad crew. Conn Iggluden wrote a series of 5 books called The Conqueror series. They begin with Genghis early life and how his father died and how his family were forced out of the tribe to Genghis death, his son Ogedei’s reign and his Grandson Mongke’s reign, they are gripping and brilliant – I can’t recommend them highly enough. There is a series on Netflix called Marco Polo which is centered around the reign of Kubai Khan and is also very good and loosely based on fact.

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