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John Jay high school alumni shirt

with the ball into a non-kicking winger. Wingers are generally the fastest players in Rugby, they are usually positioned at the outside edge of the field, touch the ball least, but often have the most chance to make yards. NFL has some very good footwork coaching which would pay dividends there. English professional Rugby Union winger Christian Wade worked with an NFL footwork coach whilst still playing rugby and is now signed to the Atlanta Falcons in the NFL, he is expected to be used as a running back on the punt return special team if he makes it through to the match day squad.


I came from a The World Could Always Use More Kindness shirt family in Malacca, Malaysia & had the privilege of being invited by my neighbour, a respected Christian family a few weeks before Xmas to attend a community event at the British Commonwealth 28th Brigade Forces HQ in Terendak Camp, Malacca, Malaysia as an Xmas CSR (corporate social responsibility) community event. I was about 12 years young then in the late 60s. CSR was unheard then. There was so many activities that we had a mesmerising and amazing time with prizes & good food with souvenirs. The soldiers gave us an authentic interesting tour of the military stations, barracks & general depots, including the armoury vehicles & what appeared to be “little museums.” All the kids in attendance were so happy & thrilled to be accorded such VIP treatment. I bragged about it to my neighbours & school friends. Till this day, I remember the event & look upon Xmas as a time of love, giving, fun & adventure. My impressions of Christianity (I am a Sikh) stood high, ever since.

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