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Original cruel Summer Devils roll the Dice Angels roll their eyes shirt

light traffic, the Original cruel Summer Devils roll the Dice Angels roll their eyes shirt would have been about 4 hours I think. There were no motorways then, and our route took us right through London and then up the A11. It started snowing before we were out of central London and by the time we reached Newmarket which was more than halfway, it was really thick on the road and Dad was getting worried about reaching our destination. We stopped and he went into a pub to phone the friends we were staying with. They said it was not so bad where they were and Dad decided to carry on, but the snow seemed to be following us. I was in the back seat, wrapped in coat and a blanket, Mum was wrapped in travel rugs in the front seat. I don’t recall our arrival, I had been asleep for ages, but I know it took us at least 6 hours probably 7, it was a real nightmare for Dad driving – even though he was very good as he was in the police and had had done an advanced driving course. The whole of the UK had a really cold snowy winter that year. Mum and I stayed on longer in Norfolk, Dad went back to London on the train to go to work and came back to collect us the following weekend.


Western society does not share that attitude as a The Undertaker Victory 2023 Shirt rule, although there are people who do feel that way. The predominant viewpoint in western societies these days is that people should have kids if they want them, not because there is some “social demand” that they have them. While it is true that some families try to “encourage” their young adult couples to have kids…that is predominantly because the older generation would like to have grandkids to spoil. In this day and age, there really is no social stigma towards young couples who don’t have kids. If anything, they are considered to be rather smart…at least if they use the excuse that they’re waiting to be more settled financially and are better able to have the time available to devote to their newborns.

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