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Pickleball Some Grandmas Knit Ladies T Shirt

thing, a lot of people grew up in an environment where joking around crossed the Pickleball Some Grandmas Knit Ladies T Shirt from good fun and games to being disrespectful and hurtful. People zig-zag across that line all the time. Some men think that teasing their daughter about being tomboy is the Pickleball Some Grandmas Knit Ladies T Shirt. It means you’re more like him than anyone else and it’s a great honor because you not even a boy. I get the whole t-rex thing. He was trying to be cute. Since you don’t say in your post that you ever had a sit down with your dad to let him know his behavior was deeply hurtful, he likely thought he was still in fun and games zone, with extra bonus of bonding with his SD over how different the two of you were. He probably thought you liked being a tomboy and didn’t realized he crossed the line into being hurtful. Once he knew, he chose you because you were the most important thing in his life. He actually divorced the woman he loved so you wouldn’t have to deal with Stacy anymore. Do you even realize how selfless and epic that is? Then he went right out and started family therapy with you, that lasted for 8 long years. The point of that therapy was to heal the hurt he caused. He’s literally done everything he could possibly think to do to make this better for you so of course he’s devastated to learn that none of that was good enough. Anyone who gave up everything for their child only to discover they apparently didn’t bleed hard enough for it to matter would be dumbfounded by your revelation.


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