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My parents were married on December 19th, so we always put the Christmas tree up on their anniversary. Most of the Property Of Dee Block Est.2022 Duke Dennis Shirt we used store bought decorations on the tree, but one year my mother wanted a natural tree. So my brothers and I spent hours drawing and gluing and cutting out paper decorations. We also strung popcorn and cranberries that year. The only thing that wasn’t homemade was the lights and the icycles. It was a wonderful tree, and my mom still has those old paper decorations. Both of my brothers are gone from us now, so each year I put two of the paper decorations on the tree in honor of them. On Christmas Eve, we got to open one gift, and it was always pajamas. When bedtime came, we would put on our new pj’s and put a glass of milk and some homemade cookies on a little tray and put it in the living room for Santa. During the night “Santa” left gifts wrapped up in colorful paper and ribbons, and he always ate the cookies and drank the milk. We were always told to get to bed on time, because Santa couldn’t come if we were still awake.


For SpaceX, what is happening with Starship is not new. Two decades ago the company had a lot of Fan Pikachu Costume Anime Manga 5th Gen Pokemon Unisex T Shirt with its first rocket, the Falcon 1, and some years later, they were landing rockets on a ship hundreds of kilometers offshore. The same success will eventually occur with Starship, even if there are a few ‘booms’ and mishaps along the way. In fact, the team at SpaceX needs those accidents, to learn faster how to improve its next inventions so that the same problem does not happen again. The core principle of the company is “build, fail, learn, iterate,” a very different path from those of other traditional aerospace companies who plan their rockets for 10 or 15 years and do not assume risks. Besides, the cost and effort to build a Starship prototype is getting increasingly lower with time, in such a way that the team at Boca Chica is learning to produce Starships like hot bread. SN10 is already on the launch stand waiting for its turn to fly, and more prototypes are in construction right now. So SpaceX can afford to lose a few rockets from time to time without risking the continuity of the program.

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