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will probably see a light on a smoke detector, maybe the edge of a door frame, a little light coming through, a window, etc. After you have seen 5 things, now close your eyes and without moving at all, HEAR 5 things. This may take a while and you really need to concentrate. You can’t count the same sound twice. What I hear usually is crickets outside, (maybe not at Christmastime) a dog barking in the far off distance, a car going by, the house settling, the furnace blowing, maybe a toilet flushing. You must be very quiet and listen carefully. You will be suprised what you hear. Now if you are still awake, without moving, feel 5 things. This is not as hard as you might think. You feel your head on the pillow, you feel your hands on the sheets, you feel your pajamas on your body, you even feel your tongue touching the inside of your mouth. If you get through all these things and you are still awake, start back at seeing 5 things and repeat; see 5 things, hear 5 things, feel five things. I have only been able to get to the end twice.


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